Esta es sin duda la entrada que mas me va a costar escribir. Y va a ser larga, porque no quiero que se acabe....Es el final de un maravilloso viaje, el cierre de un sueño, de una parte de mi vida que fue increible, y que ahora que ya estoy de vuela, prece muy lejana ya, y muy dura de recordar aun. Se que con el tiempo se pasara y sera mucho mas facil revivir los momentos inolvidables que pase, pero ahora, aun es dificil.
Mis ultimos dias, fueron, ademas muy especiales ya que los disfrute en una grn compañia, lo que hace que la despedida de mi viaje fuera doblemente dolorosa.
A principios de diciembre, saliendo de unos dias tontos en Laos, recordareis que conoci a Alberto en una furgoneta que nos llevaba a la frontera con Tailandia. Coincidimos unos cuantos dias en Chian Mai que fueron geniales, luego seguimos en contacto, y un dia, poco antes de Navidad, de charleta por el whatsapp, decidimos reencontrarnos mas adelante en Indonesia.
Asi fue, como el 11 de febrero, justo 2 meses despues de habernos despedido, volvimos a vernos en Bali.
El pobre llego a las 4 de la mañana, despues de mil horas de vuelos y retrasos en aeropuertos, pero con una sonrisa en la cara, como siempre!
Al dia siguiente llovia a cantaros, lo que limitaba nuestra movilidad, ya que queriamos ir en moto, pero mas o menos nos las arreglamos para poder seguir adelante con los planes. Queriamos cruzar a Lombok rapidamente, alquilar moto no solo era imposible por la lluvia, sino que no nos dejaban cruzarla de isla (y para cruzarla es importante que te den los papeles originales de la moto, sino te quedas en tierra). Pillamos un taxi a Padang bai y de ahi el Public ferry a Lombok.
Fueron 4 horas en barco, mucho mas barato y comodo que el speed boat (se lo que digo, no es la primera vez haciendo ese trayecto). Al llegar a Lembar, de nuevo sin posibilidad de moto, cogimos otro coche para ir a Kuta Lombok, donde pasariamos 5 noches. Fueron unos dias super intensos, de playa, yoga a tope todos los dias y algunos doble sesión, y surf.
Alberto estaba super ilusionado con el surf y se nos trunco un poco, el primer dia que ibamos en direccion a la playa ya con las tablas y a medio camino, que Selong Balanak esta lejos, pinchamos! y tuvimos que dejar el surf para el dia siguiente porque perdimos mas de una hora, pero así pudimos ver un campeonato de surf en Seger.
Para mi la leccion de surf del dia siguiente fue como una tortura, nada que ver con Siargao, se me dio de pena vamos, y me lleve mil golpes con la tabla! parecia tonta. El resumen de estos días: No paramos ni un minuto.
Como siguiente destino ibamos a Nusa Lembongan, y es algo mas complicado llegar a esa isla, especialmente desde Lombok. Era todo carisimo (para presupuestos mochileros), y cuando creiamos que habiamos conseguido algo guay, nos dejaron tirados en el ultimo minuto, asi que nos toco correr al Public ferry y pasar una noche extra en Sanur (Bali) antes de cruar a Lembongan. Al final nos salio bastante bien la cosa, ademas pillamos un hotelillo majo en Sanur, y nos dimos una vuelta, ese dia caimos muertos, despues de tanto tute en Lombok y algo de stress para llegar hasta ahi(yo).
Para cruzar a Lembongan hay multitud de speedboats rondando los 25euros, pero nosotros cruzamos en un barco lento (1.5h) por poco mas de 6 euros. Nos quedamos en Nyoman Guesthouse, super recomendble, menos de 14 euros la habitacion doble con desayuno. Mas yoga, puestas de sol y visita alrededor de la isla en moto. Tambien cruzamos a la isla vecina, Nusa Ceningan, a traves de un puente de madera, muy divertido! y unas vistas preciosas desde ambos lados!
Tambien coincidio el Kuningan, una fiesta balinesa, y pudimos ver los desfiles y a todos los lugareños engalanados.
Un dia fui a bucear, yo queria ver el Mola Mola, pero no es la epoca del año, pero vi unas cuantas mantas, tambien faciles de ver en la zona, y fue espetacular! Alberto fue a hacer surf, y menos mas que no fui: la zona es muy poco profunda y hay q tener mucho cuidado. Es una experiencia, en cualquier caso, ya que es de estos sitios donde te llevan en barco ya que la rompiente esta alejada de la orilla.
Ya de vuelta en Bali, nos toco ya coger moto cargando con las mochilas, a pesar de tener solo 25 km de trayecto hasta Uluwatu, fue algo asi como una hora, cargando con 4 mochilas en una scooter, asi que os podeis imaginar, Llegamos a Bingin agotados, y se puso a llover, nada mejor para relajarse en nuestra bonita terraza, y preprarnos para ir de Fiesta a la Sunday Night del Single Fin, muy famosos por la zona. Yo ya había estado antes, pero la fiesta del domingo se ha convertido en una super fiesta, lo que antes cerraba a las 10 ahora esta hasta la bandera y debe durar hasta altas horas! pero aun tienen concierto en directo y fue dvertido! mas divertido, ayudar a nuestros vecinos borrachos encontrar el camino de vuelta a la habitacion!
Comparado con Lombok, todos estos dias fueron mas relajados, Alberto se puso algo malo de catarro un par de dias y nos lo intentamos tomar con calma, se acercaba ademas el final...yo no podia evitar pensarlo.
Como despedida, pasamos la ultima noche en Seminyak, es como la zona pija. El hotel fue una pasada y mi ultima mañana celebramos el cumple de Al por adelantado con un desayuno impresionante en Cafe Organic. Luego relax, paseos, llore un poco y esas cosillas...
Fueron unos dias geniales, no podia haber tenido mejor despedida que estos 13 dias en una compañia tan increible. Fue tan triste irme, y depedirme en el aeropuerto que me pase dias intetando ni pensarlo, y creo que a dia de hoy sigo asi...
Me alegro mucho de haberte concido. Los giros inesperados que da la vida...Encontré aquel As de treboles en Houai Xai, creo que me dio suerte e hizo que llegara a conocerte! Sigue disfrutando de tu viaje, nos vemos a tu vuelta, que no es pronto y...a seguir sonriendo!
podeis leer la otra historia en;
This, is, no doubt, the hardest post I had to write, not only because they were the last days of my trip but also because I had the best company during those weeks. It was the end of a wonderful trip, the fulfilment of a dream, a great part of my life that won't come back and now is painful to remember.
At the begining of December I met Alberto in a van on the north of laos. We crossed the border and got to know ech other during some days in Chiang Mai, later on, during a conversation in whatsapp we decided to meet again in Bali, and months later there we were!
He got there so late after long delays on planes but always wih a smile on his face.
Heavy rain made the start of our trip different than we have liked and we took a car to get to Padang bai and crossed to Lombok on the Public ferry, It was really cheap and more confortable than the spedboat. We got to Kuta Lombok, rented a bike and spent there 5 nights, relaxing, surfing and doing some yoga. We visited many beaches, had a flat tire that held us for onw hour missing our first surf lesson and I hd a fight with my surf board. It was a really intense stay in Lombok, we were so tired at the end of it.
After that we were on our way to Lembongan, not without having some issues with the arrangment of the transport, but finally we manage, after having to spend an extra night on the way, in Sanur.
The next morning we took the public slow boat to Lembongan (6 euros against the 26 of the speedboats).
We stayed in a really nice guestouse for only 14 euros the double room with breakfast, and spent the days visiting the island, doing some yoga, relaxing sunset watching and Alberto went back to surf and I went diving. I did not see the Mola mola as it was not the season but enjoied diving with mantas!. We also crossed to Nusa Ceningan using the woden bridge, there are really nice views on both sides.
Also we lived the Kuningan festivities during those days in Lembongan.
Back to Bali, loaded on the scooter with our 4 backpacks,we went all the way to the south, to Bingin beach, that afternoon it started to rain so we relaxed in our great terrace and went to the Single fin at night for the Sunday party, it was so crowded, nothing to do with what I remembered, but it was fun!
On the way back we had to help our very drunk neighbours to find the Guesthouse and it was so funny to lead them down the stairs on that condition!
Compared to Lombok, those days were not that hectic, we visited a couple of beaches and Al got better of a cold he got. Also, the end was coming and I couldn't help thinking it.
As a ferwell, we pent the last day in Seminyak. The hotel was beautiful, and we had a grea breakfast to celebrate Alberto's birthday and my last day. We had a walk, relax and I cried a little bit, those kind of things...
It couldn't have been a better ferwell than to spent my last 13 days in such a great company. It was so hard to go, and say goodbye at th airport. I couldn't think about it for some days and it still hurts.
It was so great meeting you. Life has its misterious ways. I found that Ace of clovers in Houai Xai and maybe because of that we meet, and I'm so greatful for it. Keep enjoying your trip as you know, see you again...and keep smiling!
see the other side of the story in
Take a blue taxi from denpasar airport, not the ones that come to you at the exit, it'll be much more cheaper. I took a mototaxi for 60000 (4euros), and they were asking around 200000.
We spent a night in Legian, as we got there late, otherwise skip it.
Hotel Duo Legian, 215000 per night (14,5euros). Handy and comfy.
300000 a taxi (150000 each) to Padang bai 2 hours ride.
we took the public ferry to Lombok, it is much more cheeper, 41000 ruppies (2,7 euros) than the speed boats. It takes around 4 hours but it was nice compared to the sppedboats when the sea is rough. Also speedboats are never less than 250000 ruppies (16 e).
There we took a taxi, bargain as much as you can but you won't get it for less than 100000 per person to Kuta Lombok.
We stayed at Nalua Homestay, it is new and modern, in the back of a surf shop. 200000 per nigth the doble with breakfast.
Mana yoga, drop in classes, hatha and Vinyasa. 100000 per class, we took a 5 classes bono for 400000, and we got one for free on Valentin's day!
We got recomended Nuggets Corner for food, and we enjoyed a great dish of tuna. It was 70000 (4,7e) expensive for a budget traveler but so worth it. We went twice!
Careful with the travel agencies, we tried to get a trip to Lembongan straight form Lomobok nd unles you pai around 500000 per person it is impossible. We got back to padang bai the same way and from there took a van to Sanur for 75000 ruppies ech.
We spent the nigh in Sanur Indah, only 1 euros the double room with breakfast, really nice for the price.
To cross to Lembongan there are many options, we took the cheapest, public slow boat that takes 1.5 hoursand is 100000.
there is also the public fast boat for 140000 and several private speedboats for 300000 or more. Easy to decide, specialy bacause the sea was calm. On the way back we took the public fast boat as on sundays there is no slow boat. takes less than 45 minutes.
In lembongan we stayed at Nyoman guesthouse. 170000 per night with grat breakfast, that is 11.5 euros, see for yourself below!
We went to yoga to the Yoga shack, 100000 ruppies..
I went diving with Dive Concept. So many people on the boat, not really confirtable, a bit messy. 950000 for 2 dives (64e) including manta point and crystal bay. Equipment included.
Visit Nusa Ceningan crossing the bridge on the other side of Lembongan.
Renting a motorbike was always 50000 per day, that's less than 3 euros.
In the south of Bali, bukit peninsula, we stayed at Kelly's warung. it is getting a bit more expensive, and they do not have wifi, bathroom is outside the room and breakfast is not included. In any case the room is so nice, we choose the one with balcony that is straight on the beach, and we enjoied the great breakfast of their restaurant. room with balcony, 250000 per night (18e).
In Seminyak, a posh neighborhood north of Kuta Bali and legian, we stayed at Brown feather Hotel. It was incredible furnised, coosy, so beautifull, well located and everything you could need. It was 32 euros the night for a double room, it had a cool swimming pool overlooking a rice terrace and you could also add breakfast for only 50000 which is so nice on that area.
We went for breakfast to Cafe Organic. Beautiful and yummy. Smoothy bowls for 4 euros and many more things.